As you all know Stephanie is my BFF. She makes me laugh all of the time. And I just love the dumb conversations that we have. Here is a snipit from our online conversation just a bit ago:
Stephanie: lol oh geese
me: lol
do you know that's how you spell geese like the bird?
it makes me laugh every time you say that because you mean oh jeese
I dont know how to spell jeese
Stephanie: lol
me: lol
I'm gonna say "oh honk" from now on
Stephanie: lol
me: I asked Amanda how to spell it and she said geese
and I told her that's like a bird
then she said jeese
but that's kinda like Jesse, the name
so I dont know
Stephanie: exactly
i think its geeez
me: I can't find it when I google it either
usually it'll be like "did you mean.."
Stephanie: with 3 e's
me: AH!
yeah, that looks right
and with a z
maybe geeze?
Stephanie: oooooh that sounds good
me: short for Gee wizz
Stephanie: k im gunna do geeze
me: LOL
14 years ago