Friday, March 5, 2010


Last night on our way home I told Will that after dinner I needed him to help me with some chores. I told him he could pick what he wanted to help with. Of course he wanted to do the bath tub and the toilets, but he also said he was going to fold the laundry all by himself. I knew that he wouldn't be able to fold it just how I like it done, but since I hate folding laundry I decided I could be ok with that. I left him with the load of laundry and went to do other chores. Every minute or so he'd come running over to where I was and would say "I found your underpants!" while waving around a pair of underwear. I'd send him back to continue to fold. After a few of these underpants run-ins he told me that he was all done. I went to check how it went and this is what I found.
For now I think I'll have him stick with bath tubs and toilets.


Lisa Best said...

Lol. Yeah, stick with what works :)

Daniel said...

Looks like Will and I fold the laundry the same way... nice!

Unknown said...

I'm fine with the job he did. Send him over to our house!

amyraye said...

maybe he's following your example?ha.ha. just kidding. i actually have no idea what your "folded clothes" look like. but, years ago, that's what my folded and gone-through clothes pile looked like.

Rachel said...

amazing! He's hilarious!

Ann said...

This made me laugh out loud. And then I realized that this is pretty much what *my* laundry looks like right now. Only mine is a confusing mess of half dirty and half clean clothes. Seriously. How does that happen? It's like I'm in a freshman dorm.

At least Will does bathrooms well. I don't even do that. :)