Monday, March 23, 2009

Ikea and Bribery

On Saturday, Mickayla and Will came with me to Ikea. I told them that they needed to show me that they could get along, as practice for Disneyland. They did a great job. Once they got tired of walking they both decided to get in the cart so that I could push them around. People kept commenting about how cute and well behaved they were all cuddled up in the cart. And I got a great work out by pushing a super heavy cart around the store. (By the way, that is not a large rat that Mickayla is holding. That is Decko. Ikea allows pets in the store, so he got the pleasure of accompanying us. He was a good dog and just sat in the cart quietly. )

Because the kids were so well behaved I bought them each a $1.25 cent frozen yogurt cone. Here is a pic of Will eating his cone in the car. I tried to minimize the mess by making a bib typed thing out of napkins.
On another note:
Mom had the great idea of bribing the kids with Disneyland money. Well ok, she has them do jobs for her around the house and they get money to spend at Disneyland, but I use the same idea as bribery to get Will to do what I want him to do. I figure I'm gonna end up spending the money anyway, so I might as well get something out of it. Mostly I've been bribing him to finish his dinner or sleep in his bed through the night. "Will, if you eat all of your chicken nuggets then I'll give you $1 dollar for Disneyland."

Well he's caught on to this idea but not really in the way I had anticipated. On Saturday he was down stairs watching a movie. I walked in the room and he said to me, "Mom, if you go get me chocolate milk, I'll give you $5!" I laughed and then went and got him chocolate milk.


LaDawn said...

Smart kid!!!

amyraye said...

totally funny. i hope you taught him a lesson and made him pay you the five bucks. (just kidding; i'm not that mean)
it's always eye-opening to realize what we're actually teaching our kids instead of what we think we're teaching them.

Blake said...

For 5 bucks I'll get him chocolate milk

Tammy said...

Well did you get the $5. I guess he figures I have been paying him low wages! Of course he is the one that tells me he has lots of money.

Ann said...

HILARIOUS! That kid is smart!