Tuesday, February 2, 2010

FHE lesson

Last night Will taught the Family Home Evening lesson at my parents house. (FHE is a mormon tradition of family night, which usually includes some sort of church message/lesson, prayer, activity, song(except for in our family because we can't sing) and usually (always in our family) a dessert.) We let him teach it all by himself with no guidance. My mom gave him a book of pictures to help him get ideas. He showed us this picture and told us something close to the following story.

"And it came to pass (yes he really said that) that there was a boy and his brother. They had 2 cookies, one for the boy and one for his brother. When the boy got home he ate his cookie AND he ate his brothers cookie. Jesus told him that this was not nice and that we should love one another."

He also told us that the boy who ate the cookies is the one that Jesus has his arm around.

I've seen this picture many times, but never had heard this story. ;)


Lisa Best said...


He learned that story in Sunbeams last Sunday. He told it to us and kept getting it wrong, it was too funny. Love the picture association!

That kid is a hoot.

Tammy said...

It was a great lesson!

amyraye said...

so funny. Will is hilarious. he'd fit right into my sunbeam class with that story.

LaDawn said...

LOL! He's hilarious!

Rachel said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! That's HILARIOUS! What a doll!